Do you know what your strengths are? How to leverage them? Which opportunities to grasp with both hands? 

Be a more effective leader through connection and understanding. By realizing, accepting and being your authentic self, let your strengths shine! 

In this course you will learn how to develop your strengths and how to assert your needs, to command respect and live with powerful purpose.

Course curriculum

Lesson Specifics...

  1. 01
    • About the Course

    • Meet your teachers and contributors

    • Therapeutic Disclaimer

    • Learn how to use your student dashboard

    • How to Maximize your Learning

  2. 02
    • Appendix A: Icons for Learning

    • Appendix B1: Accessibility Support

    • Appendix B2: Accessibility for Wellness

    • Appendix C: Feeling Words

  3. 03
    • References for Entire Course

  4. 04
    • A Strength of Character

    • Who Are You? (Activity)

    • Definitions Matter

    • Turning it Around

    • The Natural Me (Activity)

    • Personal Working Styles

    • 6 Types of Work Styles (Video Activity)

    • Personality Quiz (Activity)

    • Who Are You, Again? (Activity)

    • Chapter 1's Takehome message

  5. 05
    • Assertiveness as a Strength

    • What are Boundaries to Me? (Activity)

    • All About Boundaries

    • My Boundaries Matter! (Activity)

    • Make Your Boundaries Known

    • Following the steps...

    • Assertive Communication (Text and Activity)

    • Balance in Boundary Setting

    • Chapter 2's Takehome Message

  6. 06
    • Dark Cloud vs. Sun Shine

    • Esteem and Efficacy

    • Dark Clouds and RRR (Activity)

    • Learning to See

    • High-5 Strengths Quiz (Activity)

    • Making Use of Tools

    • The 'Stockdale Paradox'

    • Still Confused?

    • Wot is my SWOT? (Activity)

    • Reality Check (Activity)

    • Reflecting on Your Swot

    • Making Connections (Activity Bundle)

    • Realizing Options (Activity Bundle)

    • SWOT Benefits

    • Chapter 3's Takehome Message

  7. 07
    • Homework is Good Work

    • A Super Mission #1: Superhero Self (Activity)

    • A Super Mission #2: My Super Pose (Activity)

    • A Final Super Mission for Today (Activity)

  8. 08
    • Final Takehome Message

    • More resources for you

    • Can you give us a little feedback on this course?

    • Good Wishes to You!

Invest in You

Realize your strengths