Knowing our emotional world is key to living life well. However, emotions are not always easy to know, or to connect with.  'Understanding Emotions' is designed to teach and evaluate neurodivergent individuals in emotional awareness and help develop basic emotional intelligence skills.

This is a course that will take you about 30-40 hours to complete, should you engage with all the materials fully.

No particular background or training is needed prior to taking this course.

We do recommend students keep a journal to make reflections, whilst undertaking this course.

Learn powerful skills

  • Define and recognize emotional states

  • List the six core emotions and understand their purpose

  • Identify triggers and distortions of the mind

  • Apply mindfulness practice for depression and anxiety

  • Become more confident managing personal experiences of emotion

3 engaging chapters to enable a deeper understanding of the emotional self and ways to cope.

This course in Understanding Emotions encompasses learning outcomes of the Victorian Learning Continuum of Personal and Social Capability for high school. Students will learn essential skills in identifying emotions, self-awareness and self-reflection.

Course curriculum

What you'll be learning...

  1. 01
  2. 02
    • Appendix A: Icons for Learning

    • Appendix B1: Accessibility Support

    • Appendix B2: Accessibility for Wellness

    • Appendix C: Feeling Words

  3. 03
    • For Your Information

    • How Emotions Motivate Our Behaviour (Poster)

    • Core Emotions, Core Questions (Poster)

    • Self Care Strategies (Poster)

    • Zones of Emotional Regulation (Poster)

    • Tips for Emotional Regulation (Posters)

    • References for Entire Course

  4. 04
    • Honouring 'What Is'

    • Emotions, Explained

    • What, then, are Feelings?

    • The Shape of My Emotion (Activity)

    • Emotions are Personal

    • Feeling Good, Feeling Bad (Text and Activity)

    • Lived Experiences / How it Feels

    • Why have Emotions?

    • The Purpose of Emotions (Activity)

    • Takehome Message for Chapter 1

  5. 05
    • When Energy Loses Motion

    • Types of Depression

    • Video: Our Heart and Our Emotional Lives (Activity)


    • Lived Experience/ How it Feels

    • Optional Reading: "The Depressed Person" by David Foster Wallace

    • Recognizing Symptoms (Text and Activity)


    • Why Learn About Depression?

    • Depression Management

    • Let That Sh*t Go (Video Activity)

    • Getting some Headspace (Activity)

    • Triggers and Shifts (Text and Activity)

    • Takehome Message for Chapter 2

  6. 06
    • What If Worries

    • Anxiety, Personified

    • How to Draw Your Feelings (Demo and Video Activity)

    • The Natural Process -Interrupted-

    • My Day Ahead (Activity)

    • Threats and Reality

    • Managing Your Anxiety

    • Threat, Meta and Me (Activity)

    • Views of Reality

    • Distorted Cognition 1-5

    • Distorted Cognition 6-10

    • Described Scenes (Activity)

    • Takehome Message for Chapter 3

  7. 07
    • Final Quiz: Check Your Knowledge

    • Final Takehome Message

    • More resources for you

    • Can you give us some Feedback?

    • Good Wishes to You!

Social proof: reviews

Feedback from students!

Nimerah Al-Rashid

5 star rating

“My personal experience doing this course was an extremely helpful, validating and engaging one. The course really sets the scene with the content clearly laid out- well researched and articulated. Having the description of emotions depicted as met...”

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“My personal experience doing this course was an extremely helpful, validating and engaging one. The course really sets the scene with the content clearly laid out- well researched and articulated. Having the description of emotions depicted as metaphors allows there to be elements of visualisation which makes talking about emotions that much easier (since I struggle with identifying emotions in general, but I am a very visual person). The course has a different take and perspective on emotional intelligence- a wider perspective- that encourages me to see my emotional difficulties as a difference rather than a defect. I loved being able to be ‘a detective in my own case’- gives me a sense of autonomy, individuality and validation. Overall, this course taught me a lot and helped me obtain strategies to sail smoothly through the emotional turmoil I have been grappling with- and continue to make more progress to reach my mental health goals.”

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