Contribute to the Blog

Best Self Blog Submissions

Would you like to contribute to The Best Self Blog?

We welcome submissions to the blog from Be Your Best Academy staff including our teachers, artists, interns and executive managers. We also strongly encourage our students and Alumni to submit a piece or two or three!

The Best Self Blog is a fantastic resource and community space that is read by visitors to the Be Your Best Academy website, and a way we share our knowledge with the world.

The main audience for the blog are neurodivergent adults who are over 16 years old and are studying currently, or interested in undertaking personal or professional development.

We'd like to see posts that offer:

  • Lived experience stories that are uplifting, describing your life with neurodivergence.
    (e.g. How your diversity helps you at school/ college, overcoming challenges, etc.)
  • Tips and strategies for studying, staying focused and/ or productive as a neurodivergent person, when you study.
    (e.g., Avoiding distractions, studying in quiet places, how you like to manage your time, etc.)
  • Insight into why you're passionate about your course(s).

Here are some ideas about specific topic areas that we'd welcome posts about:

  • What education and learning means to you.
  • How you've coped during the pandemic.
  • Mental health and wellness while being a student.
  • Talking to your family and friends about your career goals and studies.
  • How Be Your Best Academy has helped you in life.

Blog posts should be short and engaging, and we encourage a conversational style. If you'd like to contribute, we'd require:

  • Blog post text (400-800 words, submitted to us in an email or as a Word document).
  • A short biography about you (100 words).
  • A profile picture of you, if possible.

Contributions for consideration can be sent to the Learning & Development Team here: [email protected]